Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mayercraft Carrier Dos

Although it is nearly a year away, I will be going on a cruise with John Mayer. Jealous? Right now the cruise has Mayer, Guster, and O.A.R performing and I cannot wait to find out who else will be joining them in March of '09. One band that I am rooting for, and feel that it will happen if I just wish it everyday, is VAMPIRE WEEKEND. If you haven't heard this band yet, I will cry for you. My favorite songs off their first album is... the whole damn album! They are that GOOD. Go now and listen fo' yo' self.

Another birthday post.

Today is my father's 54th birthday and my parents' 30th wedding anniversary. We had an incredible celebratory dinner at Dempsey's Steakhouse at the Saddlebrook Resort on Sunday evening. I can honestly say that every dish there is decadent! My sister and I also gifted our parents with a calendar filled with our favorite pictures of them. Here is one that I absolutely adore and a vintage picture of Papa Felix and I.

Monday, July 28, 2008


It was my birthday last Thursday and I was pondering on how much can change in one year. Last year I was fortunate enough to celebrate my 22nd in Versailles.

This year I gathered my closest friends for a night out on the town.

What a difference a year makes. Older and wiser :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Your Spanish Lullaby.

I know it has been a minute but I will post one of my fave Madonna performances. I still need to steal my sista's "Hard Candy" CD so I can formally prepare for the Sticky & Sweet tour.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Mango Tango.

The greatest deal I found today was two Odwalla drinks for five bucks at Publix. My favorite one is Mango Tango but the second best would have to be Superfood.

One of the most popular public relations success stories we learned at USF was the Odwalla case study. In 1996 there was an E. coli outbreak in Odwalla drinks on the West Coast. The outbreak caused the death of a toddler and over 60 illnesses. Three years after a $6.5 million recall, this company bounced back by winning an award for best independently owned business.

I remember hearing that story right after drinking a delicious Blueberry B Monster and still thinking,"It still tastes delicious!"

Thursday, July 3, 2008

4th of July

Every year, I usually find my way to John McKnight's beach house. A couple of years ago, I made the horrible mistake in partaking in a volleyball game. The McKnight's are intense and will make you cry if you stink. So, wish me luck for tomorrow and have a happy 4th of July!

I found this picture at Cupcakes Take The Cake. YUMMY!

One more YouTube post.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I have no knowledge about sports, well that's not completely true. My father is a sports fanatic, so I have been very fortunate to attend many local games since I was very young. Tampa's baseball team, Tampa Bay Rays, formerly the Devil Rays, has been doing extremely well this year. Obviously people are going to go to the games when the team is winning. They aren't going to drive across the bridge, waste 11 bucks on gas, to watch a game when they know the team sucks. Yeah, you are a real fan if you do that. Blah blah.

So, what I really wanna say is....GOOOOOO RAYS!!!!!! And, think twice before calling someone a "fake fan".

Wake up, Wake up.